Title: Upper frieze, left hand area, of Cova Centelles, real color.
Gigapixel panoramic imagingDescription:
This asset of pictographs is located in the upper frieze of the site, around 4 m high, in an area deeply affected by flowstone that hide many of this paintings. There are around 50 Levantine style pictographs here, most of them taking part in a complex narrative scene that have been interpreted as the moving of the campsite. Characters depicted are playing different roles in the social group; in one hand, there are a group of women placed in the centre of the band, carrying burden on their heads and backs, and even they carry the children on top. Around women are placed the archers protecting them against any threat. In fact, there are a pair of archers firing their bows in the lower part of the scene. Finally, there are some animal depictions, like a bovid and a possible deer.